My friend Andrea, from the hospital had been planning for a couple of months to take a trip down to Portland. We wanted to go to the zoo and also to the Roloff farm, the family from the show "Little People, Big World" on TLC. So we decided to head down Oct. 12 and stay for a couple of days. I had been telling my friend Chelsie, who lives in Portland about the trip and she was so excited and was able to join us.

We took off early Sunday morning and went straight to Chelsie's apt to pick her up. We went right to the zoo and spent a couple of hours walking around and taking pics. Then we headed down to the Roloff farm. Andrea and I were so excited because we have watched the show and were hoping to see the family and maybe get some pics. Chelsie had never seen the show and thought we were hilarious how excited we were getting. We spent a couple of hours there and had a blast! We were able to get some pics with Zach, Matt, Matt's parents and Molly. Then we got pics of Jeremy and Jacob from a distance. The only person we didn't see was the mom, Amy because she was at a speaking engagement. We were also able to go on a tour of their property and see everything they talk about on the show. After we met up with Colby, who Chelsie and I went to school with for dinner and bowling.

On Monday, Andrea and I met up with Brad (ex-boyfriend) at Bridgeport, a really cool shopping center. We had breakfast and just walked around going in and out of stores. Then Andrea and I headed to IKEA!!! I love that store and was excited to take her because she had never been there before. We took our time walking through and each bought a little of this and that. After getting back to Chelsie's, we changed into some more dressy clothes and went to dinner reservations at The Melting Pot. After dinner, we picked up our bags and stayed at Brad's that night.

The next day Andrea and I had planned to go to OMSI, but it didn't work out. Instead we waited for Brad to get back from the gym and then the three of us went to breakfast and a movie.

The night we stayed with Brad, I was able to sit down with him and talk over things. It had been almost two months since seeing him and we both knew things were on the way out. We had a great talk and decided to remain friends. I think the distance was a big problem and we just were headed in different directions in our lives. We text each other occasionally and keep in touch. All together, the trip was a blast and Andrea and I already want to plan another one somewhere!!