My cousin Eddie, Traci's husband decided to throw her a surprise birthday party. It was also a time for friends and family to say goodbye to them since they were moving to California that next week. We had known about this party for many months and it was exciting when the day finally came. I was able to get the day off and drove to Tri-Cities to travel over with my parents and my sister.

We got to the party location in plenty of time to help finish setting up. Finally people starting arriving and bringing their food for the potluck. We had everyone sitting down when Traci came in and she was pretty surprised. Eddie had created a powerpoint presentation of her life and we got started on that right away. He had tons of pictures and it was also set to music. He did a wonderful job on it. He had even flown in her best friend from New York!! When Liz walked in, Traci started crying and there wasn't a dry eye in the place.

After the powerpoint, everyone migrated into the other room for the potluck dinner. All the food was great and there were so many good things you almost were overwhelmed. After eating people mingled and talked with each other. The a DJ friend of theirs started playing music and got the place hopping! He played some great songs and tons of people were out dancing. Things started fizzling out around10:30 and we started to clean up. With everyone helping it didn't take too long and we were home around 1am.

The party was great and a complete success!!
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