Monday, April 20, 2009


Since January of this year, I have been in two different bowling leagues. One of them is Sunday night and the other is Thursday night. I have had a great time on them and love the people I get to visit with and have fun with. It's a highlight of my week especially if work has been yucky. I am in it for the fun and don't get too upset when the ball doesn't go where I want it to. I am constantly improving and increasing my average!

When I first started I think my family thought I was a bit crazy for liking bowling so much to be involved in leagues. However, the tables have changed and my mom is hooked. Haha! She has been driving down on Thursday nights to watch Jeremy and me bowl. Sometimes she brings her best friend and sometimes my dad. It's great to have someone rooting for us and its like having our very own cheering squad. She also discovered the pizza at the alley is awesome and sometimes I wonder if she is only coming for the pizza and we are a side note!!

We only have a couple of weeks left until we are finished. I'm glad for the break but can only enjoy it for a little bit. Jeremy and I decided to be on a friends team for the summer bowling league. We chose Thursday night so if we had plans on a Sunday night we wouldn't have to rush to league. It should be a great time especially with the team we will be with. Who knew bowling would become such a big part of my life. It has turned out to be a great hobby and its been great to meet so many new people.

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