Not long after we got home, our friends Bob and Becky and Bob's brother Don came over to spend the evening with us. Normally we just had our chowder in bowls but my mom surprised us and had bought bread bowls which were a big hit. Everyone got their food together and found a place to sit and enjoy. Afterwards everyone congregated into the living room where Jeremy started up the Wii.
The next few hours were spent sitting around laughing and watching several of us play numerous games. Some of the games we played were bowling, tennis and carnival games. I played tennis and really had to pay attention and focus so I swung the right way to hit the ball. While everyone was sitting around, I passed around slices of my chocolate cake. I had made the "Chocolate Lasagna" cake from Olive Garden. It was a big hit! After our company left we only stayed up a few more hours. We prepped breakfast for the morning and finished any last minute things before heading to bed.
Immediately after waking up, I got my stocking stuff done first and then went to get my sister and mom so they could do theirs. During this time no one is allowed in the living room to spy. Dad came down to get his coffee and was shooed away so Jeremy tried to get the coffee ready and he too was sent to his room. Apparently I hadn't explained well enough to Jeremy all that Christmas morning entailed. I just laughed hysterically hearing my sister yell at him to get to his room and he tried to push it but it didn't work.