Saturday, October 10, 2009

My Wedding!!!

The minute I woke up, I immediately started getting excited! Today was my wedding day, the day I have looked forward to forever!

The morning was very laid back and we took our time getting showers done and getting everything ready to take with us. We had to make sure that nothing was forgotten. Jenny and I were a little late getting to our hair appointment and both Karen and Andrea met us there. My hair dresser Becky and a fellow worker were all ready to work on our hair and make us beautiful.
Becky started working on my hair first so she could spend her time getting it perfect. Since Jeremy loves my hair long and straight we decided to leave most of it down with just the sides up. She came up with the idea to tease my hair on top and create a bump that the veil comb could go in so it would stay. It's amazing how much you can get hair to do what you want with tons of hair gel and hairspray. She twisted several bunches of hair back on either side and secured them with bobby pins. The veil fit perfectly and looked great.

After I was done, I began putting my makeup on. Of course the one thing you dread is getting a zit for your wedding day. I had been fighting it for a couple of days and it wasn't quite gone. Becky gave me some special cover-up for it and you couldn't even see it on my chin. After my makeup was on I walked around talking with the girls and taking pictures as they had their hair done. As the morning wore on Jenny noticed I was getting a little bit antsy about the time. It was getting close to 1pm and we still hadn't eaten lunch. Jenny and I took off to get some sandwiches at Subway and then on to the church. I must have been quite the sight sitting in the car at Subway with my veil on waiting for Jenny. People would walk by and do a double take. Haha! I wanted to be at the church between 1 and 1:30pm so I could start getting ready and have time to take care of any last minute things.

The photographer got there around 2pm and started taking pictures of the boys getting ready. I had made sure to have so much time that I was actually getting bored and really antsy! Jeremy had decided early on that he didn't want to see me before the ceremony. This meant that we had to take individual pictures of the guys and girls and the together and family pictures after the ceremony. It was pretty funny to watch how our coordinator scouted out to make sure Jeremy was no where to be seen when it was my turn to take pictures.
When pictures were finished, the wedding party minus Jeremy got situated in our room and waited. We were able to wait in the "cry" room which has windows that are one way so we could see out but people couldn't see in. It was great to look out and see the guests arriving and knowing they couldn't see you. I was very excited and kept pacing back and forth because I wanted to get the show on the road! Everything looked so beautiful and the music was perfect. I'm even getting excited as I am writing this!
When it was just my dad and I left in the room he probably thought I was nuts. I was watching Jeremy escort my mom and his mom down the aisle to seat them. It was the first time I had seen him that day and the first time seeing him in a tux. He looked so cute and I kept jumping up and down wanting to be out there so bad! Finally it was my turn!!! Jenny, our coordinator had come up with the idea for closing the doors behind the bridal party and then opening them back up for me and giving me a grand entrance. I loved the idea and it worked out perfect. I was all smiles walking down the aisle and watching Jeremy's face and seeing his reaction.

The ceremony was beautiful and we both were able to say our lines without messing up and the rings slipped on our fingers without a hitch. I had found our vows online and loved what they said. We had my parents unity candle burning but decided to have communion instead just between Jeremy, me and Dick(the officiant).
After the ceremony we went to sign the marriage license right away. While we were finishing taking pictures, the guests headed into the reception where they were able to go through the tortilla/salsa bar and have special coffees made while waiting for us. Pictures didn't last very long and then we made our grand entrance. We got started right away on going through the buffet line and eating that yummy mexican food!
Next thing on the agenda was dancing, one of my favorite things. Jeremy and I had a great time talking and laughing during our dance. Then my dad and I got up there and had a blast dancing to Creedence Clearwater Revival. Jeremy and his mom also danced and had to stop early because Carla, his mom started tearing up.

The cake and toasts were next and I wasn't sure how we would do the cake feeding since we hadn't talked about it yet. When it was time, Jeremy surprised me and smeared it all over my face! It was pretty funny and he did help me clean it off. My dad and Jeremy both said a little something and thanked everyone for coming. My sister started crying part way through and had to turn around facing the other direction to finish. Ron, Jeremy's best man made up a rhyming poem that was awesome.
After that Jeremy and I walked around to the different tables saying hi and thanking people for coming. Then we got our groove on and started dancing and letting loose. Jeremy had said he might not dance much because it wasn't his thing, however I was very surprised and impressed how often he came out to dance with me. I had a blast doing the Cotton Eyed Joe song and even the YMCA.
As time passed, I started getting excited about what we were leaving the reception in. My family had been very secretive and wouldn't tell us at all. Both of us left to change clothes and get our bags together. When it was time, the guests who were left had sparklers for us to run through and waiting for us was a 1930's vintage limo. Our driver had champagne and old love songs playing for us. The car was great and really fun to ride in. He drove us to our hotel, the Hampton Inn where we were staying the night.
The room was great with a see through fireplace and a jacuzzi tub. The first thing I noticed after walking in was the most gorgeous bouquet of red roses for me! Jeremy had ordered them the day before and made sure they were in the room for me to find. We had a relaxing night of watching tv, opening up cards and....ok I think that is about all you are going to hear about the rest of the night!
It was a wonderful day and everything went exactly as planned. One of the best days of my life!!!

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