I had been so excited to go to this "Heart" concert since I first heard they were coming to the Tri-Cities. I had seen them the previous year in Seattle when they were on tour with "Journey" and "Cheap Trick."
I knew I was getting a ticket I just didn't know who I would go with. Jeremy would have gone with me if I had asked him but I didn't think it was his kind of concert. I get debating over the next couple of months and then Jeremy mentioned that his mom loved them and maybe I should ask her. I thought that was a great idea and called her up right away. She said she would love to come and would ask for a couple of days off so she could also come down for a visit.

Finally the day came for the concert and I was so excited! Carla came early enough to Hermiston that we were able to sit around and visit before getting in the car and heading to Tri-Cities. Jeremy came with us and hung out with my parents while we were gone.

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