Friday, July 30, 2010

First prenatal appt

Our first prenatal appt was on July 30th and I was almost 11 weeks along. I was able to get off work early and Jeremy met me at the hospital. We walked down to my doctors office and got right in.

The doctor did an ultrasound on me and Jeremy got to see the baby for the first time! I heard him gasp a little bit and lean forward to get a closer look. The baby was an inch and a half long and you could see the head and arms and legs. The doctor printed off a picture for us and right away Jeremy took a picture of it with his phone and started sending it to everyone!

So far everything is looking good. Doctor said we were moving right along. I haven't gained any weight yet but I'm sure that will soon change!

We were able to have a question and answer time with the doctor. I had written down a bunch of things I wanted clarification on and it was a big help. We were given some goodies and paperwork to read through. She gave us a big book from the Mayo Clinic all about pregnancy and the babies first year. All my appts were scheduled ahead of time for me and I got some magazines and a packet of paperwork that would be helpful. After that it was off to the lab to have blood drawn.

It was a great first appt and I can't wait to see the changes that will be happening!

1 comment:

pinklady said...

hello little nugget!