Monday, May 10, 2010

Jeremy's birthday and Daughtry/Lifehouse concert

From Coeur d'Alene we drove to my parents so they could dote on Jeremy for his birthday. We had him open up his presents before heading to lunch at Inca. Lunch was great as usual and then we topped it off with blizzards from Dairy Queen. Yum!

Then we continued our trip to Yakima for our concert that night. We went right to our hotel and checked in, then relaxed a little before heading to dinner. From there we headed to the concert!!! We had great seats and the concert was amazing!

Cavo was the first group to start and even though we hadn't heard of them, they were pretty good. Next was Lifehouse and they were awesome! Most of the songs were ones we knew of and we could sing along. Last but not least was Daughtry. He put on a great show and even came back for an encore and sang three more songs.

We were really glad that we had a hotel room to go back to instead of having to drive home that night. After waking up, we headed back to my parents to say hi and then continued home.

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