My sister Jenny who was also my maid of honor, planned my bridal shower for Labor day weekend. She tried to plan it far enough in advance so that people wouldn't be gone for the holiday. The shower was held at my mom's best friends house, Laurine Carey. She was like my second mom growing up and only had boys, so she loved being able to be involved in the wedding planning process.
It just so happened that Jeremy and I had driven in from Denver the day before. When we arrived at my parents, it was pouring rain and we decided to crash there for the night. Jeremy was able to go to my parents church the next day with the family. That was nice since that was where we were getting married.
Since I hadn't been home yet, I left early that afternoon for Hermiston so I could shower and change into my outfit for the bridal shower. Since Jeremy didn't have to dress up and was just going to hang with my dad, he stayed at my parents. Then my friend Tam came to pick me up so I could help her with directions and getting to Laurine's.

There was a big outcome of people and it was great to stand around and talk, especially to those I hadn't seen for awhile. As we got started, they let me know that the theme of the party was recipes. Everyone wrote out some of their favorite recipes and then included some of the ingredients and cookware needed to complete it. It was a great idea and I received lots of excellent recipes and tons of food. I also received non-food items that were more frilly, lacy and scandalous!! Hahaha!

She decorated her back patio with pots of blue and orange flowers to go with my color scheme. She also made me a beautiful wall hanging with orange poppies! The weather was pleasant enough to have the whole party out on the back patio which was a good thing since Laurine said there wouldn't have been enough room inside for everyone. Haha! 

I got so many gifts that we had to cram them into several cars. We went back to my parents briefly then my sister, my parents, Jeremy, Tam and I headed to Hermiston. This way they could all help unload the gifts and see how the house unpacking was coming along.
My bridal shower turned out awesome! Thank you so much to my sister and Laurine for all the hard work!
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