I was able to get some good catch-up sleep that night after my weekend of working. The next day I just hung around the apt and Chelsie decided to come home for lunch. Then Brad came and picked me up to be with him while he had the oil changed in his car. After that was done, we drove back to his condo to pick up his Honda SUV. We then drove about 20 or so min to McMinnville to drop it off while it had some work done. On the way back we picked up some dinner and then I helped him at his condo to finish up paperwork for his new job.
Tuesday I was able to drive to where Chels works and meet her for lunch. After getting back to the apt I was only there for about an hour when Brad came to pick me up. We drove in my car to go pick up his Honda before they closed. After finally getting back to Chelsie's with some traffic delays, Anali came over and the three of us headed to the mall! It was good to see Anali again since I hadn't seen her since last Sept not too long after we graduated. We only made it to 4 stores, but I had much success that night! Both Chels and I were keyed up after getting home and so we hung up picture frames, put pics in them, tried on clothes and listened to music.
Wednesday morning was pretty laid back and I drove again to meet Chels for lunch. This time we had lunch with some of her friends from work and had a great time! When I got back to the apt, I packed up my stuff and put it in the car. Then I left to go meet Brad at Multnomah Falls. He couldn't believe that I had never been there yet. I guess I had just never made time and just kept driving by it looking at it from a distance. We were able to get some good pics and decided that next time we would hike up to the top.

Then it was time to head back to Hermiston and get ready for work. I had to do some grocery shopping and so my friend Andrea was able to go with me and make it a much better experience.
The second trip to Portland was great and I'm already thinking about the next time! Haha
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