This year when I found out that 4th of July was on a Friday, I was so excited! The 4th is my favorite holiday of the year and one of my really good friends was getting married on the 5th. So with both of those in the same weekend, that was cause enough to take the weekend off! I also couldn't wait because Jenny and Brad were coming for the weekend and we were throwing a big bbq!

I'm a sucker for certain traditions and 4th of July is one of those times. The whole fam got up and headed downtown to watch the parade. Every year we park and sit in the same spot with the same people. It's great to see how much the kids have grown and get caught up on the past year. The parade sure isn't like they used to be, but I have a blast waving and getting candy thrown at me. It actually seemed to last longer this year then in past years which was cool.

Since the bbq didn't start until 6pm I decided to take advantage of the extra time and was able to visit with two of my friends. I had lunch with Karen and got to check out her new patio. Then I was able to swing by Erin's and chat with her a bit. There was still plenty of time before the bbq and so I helped my mom finish with some of the food prep. Brad didn't get here until about 6:30 and he was able to meet friends and of course my "second moms"! Then the best part of the night, walking down to the river for the fireworks. With him being from England, he hadn't really done much on 4th of July in the past. He loved the fireworks and thought they were great!

Saturday was more of a laid back day which was nice. While Brad was here, he was staying at a friends house. His friend had just bought a new house in Pasco and Brad was also helping move some stuff in. I went over there for breakfast and hung out talking for a couple of hours. He washed his car and I went home to chill and get ready for my friends wedding. I had to be there early to help greet and take gifts. So he came and picked me up and sat reading a book until it was time to be seated. The wedding was beautiful and the weather was great since it was an outdoor wedding. Our table at the reception was so much fun and we had a great time talking and laughing. Then we got out on the dance floor and the rest was history. We were out there the rest of the night being goofy and having fun.

Brad came to pick me up on Sunday morning and we headed off to church. It was so great to be back and he really enjoyed it. Then we went to his friends house so he could pack up his things. We ended up at my parents house for a leftovers bbq and conversation. Brad and I took off for Hermiston so I could switch clothes out and he could see my apt. My friend Chelsie had been in Tri-Cities over the weekend too and met us at my apt. Then the three of us carpooled together to Portland. Yes, I know another trip so soon but I have such a great time when I am there!
All in all, it was such a great weekend with my sister and Brad and all the events that went on!