This day started out so normal but ended anything but...
In the afternoon Jeremy and I drove to Umatilla High School together. I was helping my friend Tamera in the concession stand. Tamera is Scott's wife that is one of Jeremy's best friends and who he coachs basketball with. She was almost not going to come because she had a nasty cold and was losing her voice, but she decided at the last minute to come and hang out with me. During the course of the night we talked about all different things. Someone else came to relieve us, but Jeremy and I had come in the same car and I had no way to get home. So we decided I would get a ride with Tam over to her house and we could hang out until the boys came home.
Tam and I continued our chatting at the house and somehow we started talking about the headaches, cramps and need for blizzards I had been having. She knew we had been trying and all of a sudden realized she had an extra pregnancy test she wasn't going to use. It happened to be a day before I was supposed to start my period and I was skeptical that anything would show up that early. She however became very excited and got me a cup to pee in and the test and directed me towards the bathroom. I was watching the test while washing my hands and couldn't believe that faint positive line showing up. I was a little in shock when I walked out of the bathroom to show Tam. She came right over, took one look at the test and started screaming!

She immediately grabbed her purse and said we had to go to Walmart to get another test for me to take since the first one had been from the dollar store. Both of us were so excited and not thinking clearly that she forgot to lock the front door of the house and we both forgot to buckle Alyssa into her carseat. Thank goodness we hadn't even pulled out of the driveway yet!
We get to Walmart and go stand in front of the pregnancy tests. We look at all of them and try to figure out what ones would be good. Randomly Tam asks if I have an extra one at home and in the moment I had forgotten I did. So we get back in the car and head to my house. Thank goodness I had an extra house key in my purse since I had given Jeremy my set of keys so he could drive the car. As I am unlocking the house, I couldn't remember if we set the alarm or not and I didn't have the remote to turn it off. I'm was scared to open the door and finally Tam just pushed it open. No alarm thank goodness!
I run into the bathroom and get the test out. I don't know if it was my nerves or that I hadn't had much to drink that I couldn't get a big enough sample for the test. I thought it would be sufficient until I took the test out to the kitchen and realized it wasn't working no matter how many times I stared at it. I told Tam I don't think I had enough pee and she busted up laughing. So back in the car and headed to Walmart for the second time.
We stand in front of the tests again and deliberate. We don't want to buy too many of them and have them expire. We also don't want to buy the cheapest or most expensive. Finally we decide to get a two pack of the Clear Blue Easy digital tests. We felt it was a special enough occasion to spurlge a little! As we were walking to the register I was trying to conceal the test but to Tam it looked like I was trying to hide it in my jacket sleeve. I didn't want to run into anyone I knew and have them be curious. Also before we had left home I had grabbed a bottle of water and was making sure I had plenty of liquids in me.
On the way back to the house Tam told me she wanted to see the test as soon as possible even if my pants were barely on. So I went straight to the bathroom and had plenty of pee this time!! I barely had one button done and ran out to the living room to give it to Tam. While the test is working it has a flashing hourglass and then will flash the word pregnant or not pregnant. I handed the test off to her and went to the kitchen sink to wash my hands. Before I could even turn the water on she was already yelling, "Oh my gosh!" She came running in to show me that it said pregnant and had flashed that within 2 seconds of me giving it to her. I think I was still in shock but she started jumping up and down and getting very excited. It's almost like I didn't think it was real yet.

Then she got online and started looking up cute ways to tell your husband and family you are pregnant. She suggested I take pictures of the tests so I could have them for memories and boy did I take a lot! Tam told Alyssa what we were so excited about and she kept saying, "Baby in her tummy!" Since it was going to be short notice telling Jeremy we couldn't get too creative. So we headed back to Walmart for the third time.

Perfect timing that Father's Day was that coming sunday and I was able to find Jeremy a card for a father-to-be. Then we found a baby bib that said, "I Love Daddy" and wrapped that up in tissue paper and put it in a gift bag.
If the boys asked why we were in Hermiston, we had to come up with a good reason that they wouldn't suspect. We knew they would be hungry and said we came into town to get food for them and they took right to the idea. We headed back to Tam's with the food and got there before the boys. I was starting to get nervous about telling Jeremy and not giving something away when he walked in.
The boys started eating and I put the card down in front of Jeremy and told him I had found a card for him while at Walmart. He finished eating what he had in his hand while Tam and I were staring him down! Scott thought we were acting funny but didn't know why. Finally he opened the card and read it twice before it registered. All of a sudden he looked up and said, "I'm going to be a dad!" Scott's head shot up and he was totally surprised and said, "Wow, that's cool!" Then Jeremy opened the bib and I showed him the tests I had taken.
He finished eating in a daze and Tam and I got online right away. We first looked up what the approximate due date would be and it said February 20, 2011.
In the afternoon Jeremy and I drove to Umatilla High School together. I was helping my friend Tamera in the concession stand. Tamera is Scott's wife that is one of Jeremy's best friends and who he coachs basketball with. She was almost not going to come because she had a nasty cold and was losing her voice, but she decided at the last minute to come and hang out with me. During the course of the night we talked about all different things. Someone else came to relieve us, but Jeremy and I had come in the same car and I had no way to get home. So we decided I would get a ride with Tam over to her house and we could hang out until the boys came home.
Tam and I continued our chatting at the house and somehow we started talking about the headaches, cramps and need for blizzards I had been having. She knew we had been trying and all of a sudden realized she had an extra pregnancy test she wasn't going to use. It happened to be a day before I was supposed to start my period and I was skeptical that anything would show up that early. She however became very excited and got me a cup to pee in and the test and directed me towards the bathroom. I was watching the test while washing my hands and couldn't believe that faint positive line showing up. I was a little in shock when I walked out of the bathroom to show Tam. She came right over, took one look at the test and started screaming!
She immediately grabbed her purse and said we had to go to Walmart to get another test for me to take since the first one had been from the dollar store. Both of us were so excited and not thinking clearly that she forgot to lock the front door of the house and we both forgot to buckle Alyssa into her carseat. Thank goodness we hadn't even pulled out of the driveway yet!
We get to Walmart and go stand in front of the pregnancy tests. We look at all of them and try to figure out what ones would be good. Randomly Tam asks if I have an extra one at home and in the moment I had forgotten I did. So we get back in the car and head to my house. Thank goodness I had an extra house key in my purse since I had given Jeremy my set of keys so he could drive the car. As I am unlocking the house, I couldn't remember if we set the alarm or not and I didn't have the remote to turn it off. I'm was scared to open the door and finally Tam just pushed it open. No alarm thank goodness!
I run into the bathroom and get the test out. I don't know if it was my nerves or that I hadn't had much to drink that I couldn't get a big enough sample for the test. I thought it would be sufficient until I took the test out to the kitchen and realized it wasn't working no matter how many times I stared at it. I told Tam I don't think I had enough pee and she busted up laughing. So back in the car and headed to Walmart for the second time.
We stand in front of the tests again and deliberate. We don't want to buy too many of them and have them expire. We also don't want to buy the cheapest or most expensive. Finally we decide to get a two pack of the Clear Blue Easy digital tests. We felt it was a special enough occasion to spurlge a little! As we were walking to the register I was trying to conceal the test but to Tam it looked like I was trying to hide it in my jacket sleeve. I didn't want to run into anyone I knew and have them be curious. Also before we had left home I had grabbed a bottle of water and was making sure I had plenty of liquids in me.
On the way back to the house Tam told me she wanted to see the test as soon as possible even if my pants were barely on. So I went straight to the bathroom and had plenty of pee this time!! I barely had one button done and ran out to the living room to give it to Tam. While the test is working it has a flashing hourglass and then will flash the word pregnant or not pregnant. I handed the test off to her and went to the kitchen sink to wash my hands. Before I could even turn the water on she was already yelling, "Oh my gosh!" She came running in to show me that it said pregnant and had flashed that within 2 seconds of me giving it to her. I think I was still in shock but she started jumping up and down and getting very excited. It's almost like I didn't think it was real yet.
Then she got online and started looking up cute ways to tell your husband and family you are pregnant. She suggested I take pictures of the tests so I could have them for memories and boy did I take a lot! Tam told Alyssa what we were so excited about and she kept saying, "Baby in her tummy!" Since it was going to be short notice telling Jeremy we couldn't get too creative. So we headed back to Walmart for the third time.
Perfect timing that Father's Day was that coming sunday and I was able to find Jeremy a card for a father-to-be. Then we found a baby bib that said, "I Love Daddy" and wrapped that up in tissue paper and put it in a gift bag.
If the boys asked why we were in Hermiston, we had to come up with a good reason that they wouldn't suspect. We knew they would be hungry and said we came into town to get food for them and they took right to the idea. We headed back to Tam's with the food and got there before the boys. I was starting to get nervous about telling Jeremy and not giving something away when he walked in.
The boys started eating and I put the card down in front of Jeremy and told him I had found a card for him while at Walmart. He finished eating what he had in his hand while Tam and I were staring him down! Scott thought we were acting funny but didn't know why. Finally he opened the card and read it twice before it registered. All of a sudden he looked up and said, "I'm going to be a dad!" Scott's head shot up and he was totally surprised and said, "Wow, that's cool!" Then Jeremy opened the bib and I showed him the tests I had taken.
He finished eating in a daze and Tam and I got online right away. We first looked up what the approximate due date would be and it said February 20, 2011.
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