Thursday, April 8, 2010

Carla's visit

Carla, my mother-in-law decided to come visit for a day. She had a couple of days off and we hadn't seen her since New Years. She also brought along Lilly, her Chihuahua.

After she arrived we went to Shari's for breakfast and then back home to visit. We wanted to get out of the house but unfortunately Hermiston is pretty boring! We decided to go to Home Depot and walk around. We looked at fencing, decking, doors, fans, lights, outdoor furniture and plants. We wanted to see if anything sparked our interest for the house.

Then on to Starbuck's for a wake up drink and the bank to deposit our tax return money!

Since Jeremy doesn't care for shopping and getting pedicures, Carla and I dropped him off at the house with Lilly and went and had a spa pedicure! It was great and we were able to spend quality time together.

After eating Subway, we all headed to the bowling alley for my league night. Jeremy was going to go into work that night but decided he needed to spend that time with his mom while she was visiting. We had a great time laughing and when we got home that night, we made popcorn and mango margaritas!! Yum!!

It was a great trip and now I will check when her next days off are and head up to spend girl time with her.

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