I got there around lunch time on Sunday and Jen had made an appointment for me to get a makeover at Bare Essentials! It was great! I loved it so much that I decided to buy everything they used on me. What an awesome investment and I still love the new makeup. That night we went to church and then met up with my cousin Lisa and my aunt Beth for dinner.
On Monday, Jen had to go to work. I got ready and walked down to have lunch with her. We ate in Post Alley near Pike Place Market. Then I hung out downtown shopping and walking around until Jen got off work. We went to Anthropologie and it is now one of my favorite places! Jen got a new lampshade and I tried on fun dresses.
On Tuesday, I went downtown again to meet Jen for lunch. This time I walked back up to the apt and up QueenAnne hill! I must have been nuts! I was so out of breath, sweating and sore after that climb. I got my exercise for the next month after that! We made it a lazy night and just hung out at the apt downloading music to each others ipods. My sisters neighbor, Margaret came for a visit and we had lots of laughs.
The next morning Jen and I headed to our customary breakfast at Noah's Bagels. Then I dropped her off at work and headed back to Tri-Cities. I helped my parents with last minute things to get ready for our company from Norway to fly in that night!