Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Aaron's Cardiologist appt

At Aaron's newborn check, the dr noticed a heart murmur. He wanted to be sure everything was ok and sent us to a pediatric cardiologist in Tri-Cities.

The appt was the same day Jeremy took off for his basketball tournament. So my mom came early to the house to help get everything in the car for our week stay. I felt like I was packing up half my house.

I was hoping Aaron would do great since he was only a week old and I didn't know what all was involved with the appt. First the nurse gave him an EKG test and his whole body was covered with wires. Then it was next door to have an ultrasound. Aaron did such a great job! He held one of my fingers and laid very still on his back. The tech was great and explained everything he was doing and gave us some pictures.

The cardiologist told us the ultrasound looked good and it already seemed like the hole between his ventricles was closing up. She said there were no limitations and that even if the tiny hole never closed, he would be fine. She said to come back in a year for a check up, otherwise we didn't have anything to worry about.

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