Thursday, February 10, 2011

My 28th birthday!

The day turned out pretty good even though I had to work. Before I even left the house for work my parents called me and my aunt called to wish me Happy Birthday.

Jeremy was able to join me at my doctor's appt where the doctor did an ultrasound. She took some measurements and plus or minus a few ounces, Aaron is about 6 lbs, 14 oz. So by the time he is born he should be a little over 7 lbs. Very good size!

Then it was back to work but at least I could look forward to Jeremy coming to have lunch with me. We ordered from Ala Carte at the hospital and enjoyed our time together.

Work went well the rest of the day and then I was told I had visitors. My mom and Laurine had come to see me. Laurine always makes sure to bring me flowers on my birthday and this year they were beautiful pink carnations. We were able to visit for 20 min or so and then mom had to get back for caregroup.

I was able to get off work an hour early. When I got home Jeremy was acting kind of strange. He kept suggesting I take a hot bath or shower to relax. So I ended up enjoying a hot shower. Then I got in comfy clothes and got myself comfortable in the recliner with a good book until there was a knock at the door.

My parents with Jeremy's help drove down to surprise me. My mom brought a cake, flowers and they brought the new shelves for Aaron's room. We were able to get the shelves hung up and move things onto them. They also had finished a project I asked my dad to work on. They cut out a basketball, baseball, football and soccer ball out of wood and painted them. They look awesome and almost 3D!

My birthday turned out wonderful and very relaxing. What a great way to spend my special day with my husband and parents.

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