This year my parents had rented two houses next to each other. The first weekend, my mom's best friend Laurine and her husband Dan came and then my aunt and my sister came from Seattle. It was the first time my aunt had been there and she was staying for a whole week. For sleeping arrangements, Jeremy stayed with my parents in one house and my aunt, sister and I stayed in the other.

Jeremy was a little irritated because the one time he got to sleep in and catch up and he kept waking up around 6am! I didn't have a problem getting more sleep and both him and my dad would end up walking down by the beach together. Days were spent walking around downtown Cannon Beach, watching movies, reading books, playing games, playing on the computer, going to the beach, driving to Seaside to look at antiques and go grocery shopping and just plain relaxing.

During the week we kept up on the weather to see if one of the days we could head down to the beach for the day. Wednesday proved to be that day and all of us packed our stuff up to spend the day down there. My sister had even made two wind shields for us to put up that worked great. We even brought down snacks and our food for lunch so the only reason we had to go back to the house was to go to the bathroom. Of course I had my swimsuit on and planned to go in the water at least once if not more. I had already been able to go in a couple of times over the past few days. Jeremy and I went in further then we thought and ended up soaking ourselves with our clothes on and then mom went with me and soaked herself! It was a great day for the beach. The weather was warmer and there was just a slight breeze. We sat around and read, we learned to fly several of dad's kites, we played frisbee, we got in the water, we soaked up some sun and we took pictures. Flying the kites was great, especially the big one. You had to steer it with two hands and sometimes it got a little wild and you had to dig your feet in to stop. Jeremy taught me some good pointers and I was able to fly it by myself without help. One time my sister started taping me flying the kite and I was doing really good. Then all of a sudden there was a gust of wind and I got off balance. I was trying to save the kite from nose driving and was able to, except I lost my footing and fell flat on my backside in the sand!! Of course Jenny got it all on camera!! Such great memories.

We had decided for each of us to have a night to cook dinner and then we would be on our own for breakfast and lunch. This worked out pretty well and we didn't have to stress too much about what to do. My night to cook ended up being Thursday night the day before Jeremy and I had to leave. Earlier in that day, all of us had been downtown and Jeremy asked me on a date to go to dinner, just the two of us. I helped get dinner started and then we took off in the pouring rain to find a place. We ended up at Mo's and had a great view of the ocean from where we were sitting. Then we decided to take a drive instead of heading right back. We stopped at a view point to take pictures and continued to a place called Hug Point. We got out of the car and did a bit of hiking up a hill to get a good view and to take some pictures. Then we walked down to the beach and walked along for quite awhile until we decided we needed to get back before it got too dark. It was fun with just the two of us exploring. When we got back, the rest of the family was watching a movie and they were starting to get worried since we had been gone for over three hours.

The next morning was sad because Jeremy and I had to leave and head home. Its always a bummer to leave the beach. However, I was excited to get back and pick up the key to the new house!!!
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